7 Şubat 2023 Salı

IT Festival Mobile Application Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

The IT Festival application was developed by tuygunSoft free of charge. This application is provided free of charge by tuygunSoft and is for use as is.

This page has been prepared to inform the users who decide to use the application about using their personal information and the purchasing processes for the application.

If you choose to use the application, you agree to the terms of this policy.

The terms used in this Privacy Policy have the same meanings as in our Terms and Conditions, which are accessible as "Information Festival" unless otherwise stated in this Privacy Policy.

Information Collection and Use

During the use of the application, any information of the user, including the personal information entered by the user during registration, is not used in the application's background and does not provide access to private data sources on the device.

Except for your personal information entered during user registration, some information about your device may be requested, limited only to in-app purchases. The requested information will be stored on your device and will not be collected by us in any way.

The application uses third-party services that may collect information used to identify you.

Link to the privacy policy of third-party service providers used by the app

Apple Licensed Application End User Agreement


Firebase Analytics

Log Data

Every time you use the application, in case of an error in the application, I collect data and information from your phone (through third party products) called Data. This Log Data may include information such as your device's Internet Protocol (“IP”) address, device name, operating system version, the application configuration when using My Service, the date and time of your use of the Service, and other statistics.

Information such as e-mail, name, and phone number that we can access you directly should be taken.

Personal Data Requested in the Application and Areas of Use

To use all the features of the application, registration must be created by the user. The following information is requested when creating a user record.

* Name, Surname(Required)

* Email (Required)

* Employed Institution Information (Mandatory)

* Mission (Required)

* Business Phone (Not required)

* Mobile Phone (Not required)

* Business Email Address (Not Required)

The User of the Application can share any of the above information with the people he/she wishes with his/her consent and his/her own transactions. No personal data is shared with third parties without their permission and knowledge.


This application does not use cookies in any way. However, the app may use third party code and libraries that use "cookies" to collect information and improve its services.

Service Providers

I may employ third-party companies and individuals for the following reasons:

To facilitate our service;

To perform Service-related services; or 

To help us analyze how our app is used.

I am informing users of this application that these third parties may have access to your Personal Information. This is to perform the tasks assigned to them on our behalf. However, they are obliged not to disclose or use the information for any other purpose.

Links to Other Sites

This app may contain links to other sites. You will be directed to that site if you click on a third-party link. Note that these external sites are not operated by me. Therefore, I recommend that you review the Privacy Policy of these websites. I have no control over and take no responsibility for the content, privacy policies or practices of any third-party sites or services.

Children's Privacy

These services are not intended for persons under the age of 17. I do not knowingly collect personal information from children under 17. When I become aware that a child under 17 has provided me with personal information, I immediately delete it from our servers. If you are a parent or guardian and know that your child has provided us with personal information, please contact me so I can take appropriate action.

Changes to This Privacy Policy

I may update our Privacy Policy from time to time. It is therefore recommended that you periodically review this page for any changes. I will notify you of any changes by posting the new Privacy Policy on this page. These changes take effect immediately after they are posted on this page.

5 Şubat 2023 Pazar

Bilişim Festivali Mobil Uygulaması Gizlilik Politikası

 Gizlilik Politikası

Bilişim Festivali uygulaması ücretsiz olarak tuygunSoft tarafından geliştirildi. Bu uygulama, tuygunSoft tarafından ücretsiz olarak sağlanır ve olduğu gibi kullanıma yöneliktir.

Bu sayfa, uygulamayı kullanmaya karar veren kullanıcıların, kişisel bilgilerinin kullanımı ve uygulama için satınalma süreçleri ile ilgili bilgilendirme amaçlı hazırlanmıştır.

Uygulamayı kullanmayı tercih ederseniz, bu politikaya ilişkin şartları kabul edersiniz. 

Bu Gizlilik Politikasında kullanılan terimler, işbu Gizlilik Politikasında aksi belirtilmediği sürece "Bilişim Festivali" erişilebilir olan Şartlar ve Koşullarımızdakilerle aynı anlamlara sahiptir.

Bilgi Toplama ve Kullanımı

Uygulama kullanımı esnasında, kullanıcının kayıt esnasında girdiği kişisel bilgiler de dahil olmak üzere, uygulama arka planında kullanıcının herhangi bir bilgisi kullanılmaz ve cihazda yer alan kişisel veri kaynaklarına erişim sağlamaz. 

Kullanıcı kaydı yapılırken girilen kişisel bilgileriniz haricinde, yalnızca uygulama içi satınalma yapabilme işlemleri ile sınırlı olmak üzere, cihazınıza ilişkin bazı bilgiler istenebilir. İstenen bilgiler cihazınızda saklanacak ve tarafımızdan hiçbir şekilde toplanmayacaktır.

Uygulama sizi tanımlamak için kullanılan bilgileri toplayabilecek üçüncü taraf hizmetlerini kullanmaktadır.

Uygulama tarafından kullanılan üçüncü taraf hizmet sağlayıcılarının gizlilik politikasına bağlantı

Uygulamayı kullandığınız her defasında, uygulamadaki bir hata durumunda, Veri olarak adlandırılan telefonunuzdaki veri ve bilgileri (üçüncü taraf ürünleri aracılığıyla) topladığımı bildirmek isterim. Bu Log Verileri, cihazınızın İnternet Protokolü (“IP”) adresi, cihaz adı, işletim sistemi sürümü, Hizmetimi kullanırken uygulamanın yapılandırılması, Hizmet kullanımınızın tarihi ve saati ve diğer istatistikler gibi bilgileri içerebilir. 

Doğrudan sizlere erişim sağlayabileceğimiz e-posta, isim, telefon numarası gibi bilgiler kesinlikle alınmamaktadır.

Uygulamada İstenen Kişisel Veriler ve Kullanım Alanları

Uygulamanın tüm özelliklerinin kullanılabilmesi amacıyla, kullanıcı tarafından kayıt oluşturulması gerekmektedir. Kullanıcı kaydı oluşturulurken aşağıdaki bilgiler istenmektedir.

* Ad, Soyad(Zorunlu)
* E-posta (Zorunlu)
* Çalıştığı Kurum Bilgisi(Zorunlu)
* Görevi (Zorunlu)
* İş Telefonu (Zorunlu değil)
* Cep Telefonu (Zorunlu değil)
* İş E-posta Adresi (Zorunlu Değil)

Uygulamanın Kullanıcısı, yukardaki bilgilerden dilediğini kendi rızası ve kendi yaptığı işlemler ile dilediği kişilerle paylaşabilir. İzni ve bilgisi dışında hiçbir kişisel verisi üçüncü taraflarla paylaşılmaz.


Bu uygulama, hiçbir şekilde çerez kullanmaz. Bununla birlikte, uygulama bilgi toplamak ve hizmetlerini geliştirmek için “çerezleri” kullanan üçüncü taraf kodunu ve kitaplıklarını kullanabilir. 

Servis sağlayıcıları

Aşağıdaki nedenlerden dolayı üçüncü taraf şirketleri ve kişileri istihdam edebilirim:

Hizmetimizi kolaylaştırmak için;
Servisle ilgili hizmetleri gerçekleştirmek için; veya
Uygulamamızın nasıl kullanıldığını analiz etmemize yardımcı olmak.
Bu uygulamanın kullanıcılarını, bu üçüncü tarafların Kişisel Bilgilerinize erişebileceği konusunda bilgilendirmek istiyorum. Bunun nedeni bizim adımıza kendilerine verilen görevleri yapmaktır. Ancak, bilgileri başka bir amaç için açıklamamak ya da kullanmamakla yükümlüdürler.

Diğer Sitelere Bağlantılar

Bu uygulama diğer sitelere bağlantılar içerebilir. Üçüncü tarafa ait bir bağlantıyı tıklarsanız, o siteye yönlendirilirsiniz. Bu harici sitelerin benim tarafımdan işletilmediğini unutmayın. Bu nedenle, bu web sitelerinin Gizlilik Politikasını gözden geçirmenizi şiddetle tavsiye ederim. Herhangi bir üçüncü taraf sitenin veya hizmetinin içeriği, gizlilik politikaları veya uygulamaları üzerinde hiçbir kontrolüm yok ve sorumluluk kabul etmiyorum.

Çocukların Gizliliği

Bu hizmetler 17 yaşın altındaki kişilere hitap etmemektedir. 17 yaşın altındaki çocuklardan bilerek kişisel bilgi toplayamıyorum. 17 yaşın altındaki bir çocuğun bana kişisel bilgi sağladığını fark ettiğimde, bunu derhal sunucularımızdan silmekteyim. Eğer bir ebeveyn veya veli iseniz ve çocuğunuzun bize kişisel bilgi verdiğinin farkındaysanız, lütfen gerekli işlemleri yapabilmek için benimle iletişime geçin.

Bu Gizlilik Politikasındaki Değişiklikler

Gizlilik Politikamızı zaman zaman güncelleyebilirim. Bu nedenle, herhangi bir değişiklik için bu sayfayı periyodik olarak gözden geçirmeniz tavsiye edilir. Bu sayfada yeni Gizlilik Politikasını yayınlayarak herhangi bir değişikliği size bildireceğim. Bu değişiklikler, bu sayfada yayınlandıktan hemen sonra yürürlüğe girer.

30 Mart 2022 Çarşamba

Gazeteler Uygulaması Gizlilik Politikası ve Uygulama İçi Satınalma Yönergesi

 Gizlilik Politikası

Tüm Türkiye Gazeteleri uygulaması ücretsiz olarak tuygunSoft tarafından geliştirildi. Bu uygulama, tuygunSoft tarafından ücretsiz olarak sağlanır ve olduğu gibi kullanıma yöneliktir.

Bu sayfa, uygulamayı kullanmaya karar veren kullanıcıların, kişisel bilgilerinin kullanımı ve uygulama için satınalma süreçleri ile ilgili bilgilendirme amaçlı hazırlanmıştır.

Uygulamayı kullanmayı tercih ederseniz, bu politikaya ilişkin şartları kabul edersiniz. 

Bu Gizlilik Politikasında kullanılan terimler, işbu Gizlilik Politikasında aksi belirtilmediği sürece Tüm Türkiye Gazetelerinde erişilebilir olan Şartlar ve Koşullarımızdakilerle aynı anlamlara sahiptir.

Bilgi Toplama ve Kullanımı

Uygulama kullanımı esnasında ve arka planda kullanıcıdan herhangi bir bilgi talebinde bulunmaz ve cihazda yer alan kişisel veri kaynaklarına erişim sağlamaz. Kişisel bilgileriniz haricinde, yalnızca uygulama içi satınalma yapabilme işlemleri ile sınırlı olmak üzere, cihazınıza ilişkin bazı bilgiler istenebilir. İstenen bilgiler cihazınızda saklanacak ve tarafımızdan hiçbir şekilde toplanmayacaktır.

Uygulama sizi tanımlamak için kullanılan bilgileri toplayabilecek üçüncü taraf hizmetlerini kullanmaktadır.

Uygulama tarafından kullanılan üçüncü taraf hizmet sağlayıcılarının gizlilik politikasına bağlantı

Uygulamayı kullandığınız her defasında, uygulamadaki bir hata durumunda, Veri olarak adlandırılan telefonunuzdaki veri ve bilgileri (üçüncü taraf ürünleri aracılığıyla) topladığımı bildirmek isterim. Bu Log Verileri, cihazınızın İnternet Protokolü (“IP”) adresi, cihaz adı, işletim sistemi sürümü, Hizmetimi kullanırken uygulamanın yapılandırılması, Hizmet kullanımınızın tarihi ve saati ve diğer istatistikler gibi bilgileri içerebilir. Doğrudan sizlere erişim sağlayabileceğimiz e-posta, isim, telefon numarası gibi bilgiler kesinlikle alınmamaktadır.

Uygulama İçi Satın Almalar

Aylık Abonelik

Aylık Reklamsız Sürüm aboneliği ile bir ay boyunca uygulama içerisinde yer alan reklamların görüntülenmemesi sağlanabilir.  Abonelik ücreti bulunduğunuz bölgeye göre değişiklik gösterebilir.  

Ödeme satın alma onayı ile iTunes Hesabınızdadan tahsil edilir ve otomatik yenileme cari dönemin bitiminden en az 24 saat önce kapatılmadığı sürece abonelik otomatik olarak yenilenir.

Abonelikler kullanıcı tarafından yönetilebilir ve satın alma işleminden sonra kullanıcının Hesap Ayarlarına gidilerek otomatik yenileme kapatılabilir. 

Yıllık Abonelik

Yıllık Reklamsız Sürüm aboneliği ile bir yıl boyunca uygulama içerisinde yer alan reklamların görüntülenmemesi sağlanabilir.  Abonelik ücreti bulunduğunuz bölgeye göre değişiklik gösterebilir.  

Ödeme satın alma onayı ile iTunes Hesabınızdadan tahsil edilir ve otomatik yenileme cari dönemin bitiminden en az 24 saat önce kapatılmadığı sürece abonelik otomatik olarak yenilenir.

Abonelikler kullanıcı tarafından yönetilebilir ve satın alma işleminden sonra kullanıcının Hesap Ayarlarına gidilerek otomatik yenileme kapatılabilir. 


Çerezler, genellikle anonim benzersiz tanımlayıcılar olarak kullanılan az miktarda veri içeren dosyalardır. Bunlar, ziyaret ettiğiniz ve cihazınızın dahili belleğinde saklanan web sitelerinden tarayıcınıza gönderilir.

Bu Uygulama, bu "çerezleri" açık bir şekilde kullanmaz. Bununla birlikte, uygulama bilgi toplamak ve hizmetlerini geliştirmek için “çerezleri” kullanan üçüncü taraf kodunu ve kitaplıklarını kullanabilir. Bu çerezleri kabul etme veya reddetme seçeneğiniz vardır ve cihazınıza bir çerez gönderildiğinde bunu bilirsiniz. Çerezlerimizi reddetmeyi seçerseniz, bu Hizmetin bazı bölümlerini kullanamayabilirsiniz.

Servis sağlayıcıları

Aşağıdaki nedenlerden dolayı üçüncü taraf şirketleri ve kişileri istihdam edebilirim:

Hizmetimizi kolaylaştırmak için;
Hizmeti bizim adımıza vermek;
Servisle ilgili hizmetleri gerçekleştirmek için; veya
Uygulamamızın nasıl kullanıldığını analiz etmemize yardımcı olmak.
Bu uygulamanın kullanıcılarını, bu üçüncü tarafların Kişisel Bilgilerinize erişebileceği konusunda bilgilendirmek istiyorum. Bunun nedeni bizim adımıza kendilerine verilen görevleri yapmaktır. Ancak, bilgileri başka bir amaç için açıklamamak ya da kullanmamakla yükümlüdürler.

Diğer Sitelere Bağlantılar

Bu uygulama diğer sitelere bağlantılar içerebilir. Üçüncü tarafa ait bir bağlantıyı tıklarsanız, o siteye yönlendirilirsiniz. Bu harici sitelerin benim tarafımdan işletilmediğini unutmayın. Bu nedenle, bu web sitelerinin Gizlilik Politikasını gözden geçirmenizi şiddetle tavsiye ederim. Herhangi bir üçüncü taraf sitenin veya hizmetinin içeriği, gizlilik politikaları veya uygulamaları üzerinde hiçbir kontrolüm yok ve sorumluluk kabul etmiyorum.

Çocukların Gizliliği

Bu hizmetler 17 yaşın altındaki kişilere hitap etmemektedir. 17 yaşın altındaki çocuklardan bilerek kişisel bilgi toplayamıyorum. 17 yaşın altındaki bir çocuğun bana kişisel bilgi sağladığını fark ettiğimde, bunu derhal sunucularımızdan silmekteyim. Eğer bir ebeveyn veya veli iseniz ve çocuğunuzun bize kişisel bilgi verdiğinin farkındaysanız, lütfen gerekli işlemleri yapabilmek için benimle iletişime geçin.

Bu Gizlilik Politikasındaki Değişiklikler

Gizlilik Politikamızı zaman zaman güncelleyebilirim. Bu nedenle, herhangi bir değişiklik için bu sayfayı periyodik olarak gözden geçirmeniz tavsiye edilir. Bu sayfada yeni Gizlilik Politikasını yayınlayarak herhangi bir değişikliği size bildireceğim. Bu değişiklikler, bu sayfada yayınlandıktan hemen sonra yürürlüğe girer.

15 Nisan 2020 Çarşamba

Datenschutzerklärung für Alle Österreich Zeitung

Um Informationen zu den personenbezogenen Daten, dem Zweck und den Parteien, welchen diese Daten mitgeteilt werden, zu erhalten, kontaktieren Sie den Eigentümer.

Anbieter und Verantwortlicher

Arten der erhobenen Daten

Der Eigentümer stellt keine Auflistung der erhobenen personenbezogenen Daten zur Verfügung.
Vollständige Details zu jeder Art von verarbeiteten personenbezogenen Daten werden in den dafür vorgesehenen Abschnitten dieser Datenschutzerklärung oder punktuell durch Erklärungstexte bereitgestellt, die vor der Datenerhebung angezeigt werden.
Personenbezogene Daten können vom Nutzer freiwillig angegeben oder, im Falle von Nutzungsdaten, automatisch erhoben werden, wenn diese Anwendung genutzt wird.
Sofern nicht anders angegeben, ist die Angabe aller durch diese Anwendung angeforderten Daten obligatorisch. Weigert sich der Nutzer, die Daten anzugeben, kann dies dazu führen, dass diese Anwendung dem Nutzer ihre Dienste nicht zur Verfügung stellen kann. In Fällen, in denen diese Anwendung die Angabe personenbezogener Daten ausdrücklich als freiwillig bezeichnet, dürfen sich die Nutzer dafür entscheiden, diese Daten ohne jegliche Folgen für die Verfügbarkeit oder die Funktionsfähigkeit des Dienstes nicht anzugeben.
Nutzer, die sich darüber im Unklaren sind, welche personenbezogenen Daten obligatorisch sind, können sich an den Anbieter wenden.
Jegliche Verwendung von Cookies – oder anderer Tracking-Tools – durch diese Anwendung oder Anbieter von Drittdiensten, die durch diese Anwendung eingesetzt werden, dient dem Zweck, den vom Nutzer gewünschten Dienst zu erbringen, und allen anderen Zwecken, die im vorliegenden Dokument und, falls vorhanden, in der Cookie-Richtlinie beschrieben sind.
Die Nutzer sind für alle personenbezogenen Daten Dritter verantwortlich, die durch diese Anwendung beschafft, veröffentlicht oder weitergegeben werden, und bestätigen, dass sie die Zustimmung zur Übermittlung personenbezogener Daten etwaiger Dritter an diese Anwendung eingeholt haben.

Art und Ort der Datenverarbeitung


Der Anbieter verarbeitet die Nutzerdaten auf ordnungsgemäße Weise und ergreift angemessene Sicherheitsmaßnahmen, um den unbefugten Zugriff und die unbefugte Weiterleitung, Veränderung oder Vernichtung von Daten zu vermeiden.
Die Datenverarbeitung wird mittels Computern oder IT-basierten Systemen nach organisatorischen Verfahren und Verfahrensweisen durchgeführt, die gezielt auf die angegebenen Zwecke abstellen. Zusätzlich zum Verantwortlichen könnten auch andere Personen intern (Personalverwaltung, Vertrieb, Marketing, Rechtsabteilung, Systemadministratoren) oder extern – und in dem Fall soweit erforderlich, vom Verantwortlichen als Auftragsverarbeiter benannt (wie Anbieter technischer Dienstleistungen, Zustellunternehmen, Hosting-Anbieter, IT-Unternehmen oder Kommunikationsagenturen) - diese Anwendung betreiben und damit Zugriff auf die Daten haben. Eine aktuelle Liste dieser Beteiligten kann jederzeit vom Anbieter verlangt werden.

Rechtsgrundlagen der Verarbeitung

Der Anbieter darf personenbezogene Daten von Nutzern nur dann verarbeiten, wenn einer der folgenden Punkte zutrifft:
  • Die Nutzer haben ihre Einwilligung für einen oder mehrere bestimmte Zwecke erteilt. Hinweis: In einigen Gesetzgebungen kann es dem Anbieter gestattet sein, personenbezogene Daten zu verarbeiten, bis der Nutzer einer solchen Verarbeitung widerspricht ("Opt-out"), ohne sich auf die Einwilligung oder eine andere der folgenden Rechtsgrundlagen verlassen zu müssen. Dies gilt jedoch nicht, wenn die Verarbeitung personenbezogener Daten dem europäischen Datenschutzrecht unterliegt;
  • die Datenerhebung ist für die Erfüllung eines Vertrages mit dem Nutzer und/oder für vorvertragliche Maßnahmen daraus erforderlich;
  • die Verarbeitung ist für die Erfüllung einer rechtlichen Verpflichtung, der der Anbieter unterliegt, erforderlich;
  • die Verarbeitung steht im Zusammenhang mit einer Aufgabe, die im öffentlichen Interesse oder in Ausübung hoheitlicher Befugnisse, die dem Anbieter übertragen wurden, durchgeführt wird;
  • die Verarbeitung ist zur Wahrung der berechtigten Interessen des Anbieters oder eines Dritten erforderlich.
In jedem Fall erteilt der Anbieter gerne Auskunft über die konkrete Rechtsgrundlage, auf der die Verarbeitung beruht, insbesondere darüber, ob die Angabe personenbezogener Daten eine gesetzliche oder vertragliche Verpflichtung oder eine Voraussetzung für den Abschluss eines Vertrages ist.


Die Daten werden in der Niederlassung des Anbieters und an allen anderen Orten, an denen sich die an der Datenverarbeitung beteiligten Stellen befinden, verarbeitet.

Je nach Standort der Nutzer können Datenübertragungen die Übertragung der Daten des Nutzers in ein anderes Land als das eigene beinhalten. Um mehr über den Ort der Verarbeitung der übermittelten Daten zu erfahren, können die Nutzer den Abschnitt mit den ausführlichen Angaben zur Verarbeitung der personenbezogenen Daten konsultieren.
Die Nutzer haben auch das Recht, sich über die Rechtsgrundlage der Datenübermittlung in ein Land außerhalb der Europäischen Union oder an eine internationale Organisation, die dem Völkerrecht unterliegt oder von zwei oder mehr Ländern gegründet wurde, wie beispielsweise die UNO, sowie sich über die vom Anbieter ergriffenen Sicherheitsmaßnahmen zum Schutz ihrer Daten aufklären zu lassen.

Wenn eine solche Übermittlung stattfindet, kann der Nutzer mehr darüber erfahren, indem er die entsprechenden Abschnitte dieses Dokuments überprüft oder sich mit dem Anbieter über die im Kontaktteil angegebenen Informationen in Verbindung setzt.


Personenbezogene Daten werden so lange verarbeitet und gespeichert, wie es der Zweck erfordert, zu dem sie erhoben wurden.
Daher gilt:
  • Personenbezogene Daten, die zu Zwecken der Erfüllung eines zwischen dem Anbieter und dem Nutzer geschlossenen Vertrages erhoben werden, werden bis zur vollständigen Erfüllung dieses Vertrages gespeichert.
  • Personenbezogene Daten, die zur Wahrung der berechtigten Interessen des Anbieters erhoben werden, werden so lange aufbewahrt, wie es zur Erfüllung dieser Zwecke erforderlich ist. Nutzer können nähere Informationen über die berechtigten Interessen des Anbieters in den entsprechenden Abschnitten dieses Dokuments oder durch Kontaktaufnahme zum Anbieter erhalten.
Darüber hinaus ist es dem Anbieter gestattet, personenbezogene Daten für einen längeren Zeitraum zu speichern, wenn der Nutzer in eine solche Verarbeitung eingewilligt hat, solange die Einwilligung nicht widerrufen wird. Darüber hinaus kann der Anbieter verpflichtet sein, personenbezogene Daten für einen längeren Zeitraum aufzubewahren, wenn dies zur Erfüllung einer gesetzlichen Verpflichtung oder auf Anordnung einer Behörde erforderlich ist.

Nach Ablauf der Aufbewahrungsfrist werden personenbezogene Daten gelöscht. Daher können das Auskunftsrecht, das Recht auf Löschung, das Recht auf Berichtigung und das Recht auf Datenübertragbarkeit nach Ablauf der Aufbewahrungsfrist nicht geltend gemacht werden.

Die Rechte der Nutzer

Die Nutzer können bestimmte Rechte in Bezug auf ihre vom Anbieter verarbeiteten Daten ausüben.
Nutzer haben insbesondere das Recht, Folgendes zu tun:
  • Die Einwilligungen jederzeit widerrufen. Hat der Nutzer zuvor in die Verarbeitung personenbezogener Daten eingewilligt, so kann er die eigene Einwilligung jederzeit widerrufen.
  • Widerspruch gegen die Verarbeitung ihrer Daten einlegen. Der Nutzer hat das Recht, der Verarbeitung seiner Daten zu widersprechen, wenn die Verarbeitung auf einer anderen Rechtsgrundlage als der Einwilligung erfolgt. Weitere Informationen hierzu sind weiter unten aufgeführt.
  • Auskunft bezüglich ihrer Daten erhalten. Der Nutzer hat das Recht zu erfahren, ob die Daten vom Anbieter verarbeitet werden, über einzelne Aspekte der Verarbeitung Auskunft zu erhalten und eine Kopie der Daten zu erhalten.
  • Überprüfen und berichtigen lassen. Der Nutzer hat das Recht, die Richtigkeit seiner Daten zu überprüfen und deren Aktualisierung oder Berichtigung zu verlangen.
  • Einschränkung der Verarbeitung ihrer Daten verlangen. Die Nutzer haben das Recht, unter bestimmten Umständen die Verarbeitung ihrer Daten einzuschränken. In diesem Fall wird der Anbieter die Daten zu keinem anderen Zweck als der Speicherung verarbeiten.
  • Löschung oder anderweitiges Entfernen der personenbezogenen Daten verlangen. Die Nutzer haben unter bestimmten Umständen das Recht, die Löschung ihrer Daten vom Anbieter zu verlangen.
  • Ihre Daten erhalten und an einen anderen Verantwortlichen übertragen lassen. Der Nutzer hat das Recht, seine Daten in einem strukturierten, gängigen und maschinenlesbaren Format zu erhalten und, sofern technisch möglich, ungehindert an einen anderen Verantwortlichen übermitteln zu lassen. Diese Bestimmung ist anwendbar, sofern die Daten automatisiert verarbeitet werden und die Verarbeitung auf der Zustimmung des Nutzers, auf einem Vertrag, an dem der Nutzer beteiligt ist, oder auf vorvertraglichen Verpflichtungen beruht.
  • Beschwerde einreichen. Die Nutzer haben das Recht, eine Beschwerde bei der zuständigen Aufsichtsbehörde einzureichen.

Details zum Widerspruchsrecht bezüglich der Verarbeitung

Werden personenbezogene Daten im öffentlichen Interesse, in Ausübung eines dem Anbieter übertragenen hoheitlichen Befugnisses oder zur Wahrung der berechtigten Interessen des Anbieters verarbeitet, kann der Nutzer dieser Verarbeitung widersprechen, indem er einen Rechtfertigungsgrund angibt, der sich auf seine besondere Situation bezieht.
Nutzer werden darüber informiert, dass sie der Verarbeitung der personenbezogenen Daten für Direktwerbung jederzeit ohne Angabe von Gründen widersprechen können. Ob der Anbieter personenbezogene Daten für Direktwerbungszwecke verarbeitet, können die Nutzer den entsprechenden Abschnitten dieses Dokuments entnehmen.

Wie die Rechte ausgeübt werden können

Alle Anfragen zur Ausübung der Nutzerrechte können über die in diesem Dokument angegebenen Kontaktdaten an den Anbieter gerichtet werden. Anträge können kostenlos ausgeübt werden und werden vom Anbieter so früh wie möglich, spätestens innerhalb eines Monats, bearbeitet.

Weitere Informationen über die Erhebung und Verarbeitung von Daten

Rechtliche Maßnahmen

Die personenbezogenen Daten des Nutzers können vom Anbieter zu Zwecken der Rechtsdurchsetzung innerhalb oder in Vorbereitung gerichtlicher Verfahren verarbeitet werden, die sich daraus ergeben, dass diese Anwendung oder die dazugehörigen Dienste nicht ordnungsgemäß genutzt wurden.
Der Nutzer erklärt, sich dessen bewusst zu sein, dass der Anbieter von den Behörden zur Herausgabe von personenbezogenen Daten verpflichtet werden könnte.

Weitere Informationen über die personenbezogenen Daten des Nutzers

Zusätzlich zu den in dieser Datenschutzerklärung aufgeführten Informationen kann diese Anwendung dem Nutzer auf Anfrage weitere kontextbezogene Informationen zur Verfügung stellen, die sich auf bestimmte Dienste oder auf die Erhebung und Verarbeitung personenbezogener Daten beziehen.

Systemprotokolle und Wartung

Diese Anwendung und die Dienste von Drittanbietern können zu Betriebs- und Wartungszwecken Dateien sammeln, die die über diese Anwendung stattfindende Interaktion aufzeichnen (Systemprotokolle), oder andere personenbezogene Daten (z. B. IP-Adresse) zu diesem Zweck verwenden.

Nicht in dieser Datenschutzerklärung enthaltene Informationen

Weitere Informationen über die Erhebung oder Verarbeitung personenbezogener Daten können jederzeit vom Anbieter über die aufgeführten Kontaktangaben angefordert werden.

Wie “Do Not Track” Anfragen behandelt werden

Diese Anwendung unterstützt keine Nicht-Verfolgen-Anfragen ("Do Not Track") durch Webbrowser.
Die Information, ob integrierte Drittdienste das Nicht-Verfolgen Protokoll unterstützen, entnehmen Nutzer der Datenschutzerklärung des jeweiligen Dienstes.

Änderungen dieser Datenschutzerklärung

Der Anbieter behält sich vor, jederzeit Änderungen an dieser Datenschutzerklärung vorzunehmen, indem sie ihre Nutzer auf dieser Seite und gegebenenfalls über diese Anwendung und/oder - soweit technisch und rechtlich möglich – durch das Versenden einer Mitteilung an die Nutzer über eine der dem Anbieter zur Verfügung stehenden Kontaktdaten entsprechend informiert. Nutzern wird daher nahe gelegt, diese Seite regelmäßig aufzurufen und dabei das am Seitenende angegebene Datum der letzten Änderung zu prüfen.

Soweit Änderungen eine auf der Einwilligung des Nutzers basierte Datennutzung betreffen, so wird der Anbieter - soweit erforderlich - eine neue Einwilligung einholen.

22 Eylül 2018 Cumartesi

Gazeteler Uygulaması Gizlilik Politikası

Gizlilik Politikası

Tüm Türkiye Gazeteleri uygulaması ücretsiz olarak tuygunSoft tarafından geliştirildi. Bu uygulama, tuygunSoft tarafından ücretsiz olarak sağlanır ve olduğu gibi kullanıma yöneliktir.

Bu sayfa, uygulamayı kullanmaya karar veren kullanıcıların, kişisel bilgilerinin kullanımı ile ilgili bilgilendirme amaçlı hazırlanmıştır.

Uygulamayı kullanmayı tercih ederseniz, bu politikaya ilişkin bilgilerin toplanmasını ve kullanılmasını kabul edersiniz. Toplanan Kişisel Bilgiler sizlere sağlanan hizmetin geliştirilmesini sağlamak için kullanılır. Bilgilerinizin bu Gizlilik Politikasında açıklanan durumlar dışında kimseyle paylaşılmayacağı veya kullanılmayacağı taahhüt edilir.

Bu Gizlilik Politikasında kullanılan terimler, işbu Gizlilik Politikasında aksi belirtilmediği sürece Tüm Türkiye Gazetelerinde erişilebilir olan Şartlar ve Koşullarımızdakilerle aynı anlamlara sahiptir.

Bilgi Toplama ve Kullanımı

Daha iyi bir deneyim için, uygulama kullanırken, Internet Erişimi, Ekran görüntüsü alınan haberlerin cihazınızın depolama alanına yazılması ve okunması, uygulama içi satınalma yapabilme işlemleri ile sınırlı olmamak üzere, cihazınıza ilişkin bazı bilgiler istenebilir. İstenen bilgiler cihazınızda saklanacak ve tarafımızdan hiçbir şekilde toplanmayacaktır.

Uygulama sizi tanımlamak için kullanılan bilgileri toplayabilecek üçüncü taraf hizmetlerini kullanmaktadır.

Uygulama tarafından kullanılan üçüncü taraf hizmet sağlayıcılarının gizlilik politikasına bağlantı

  • Google Play Hizmetleri
  • AdMob
  • Firebase Analytics
  • Günlük Verileri

Uygulamayı kullandığınız her defasında, uygulamadaki bir hata durumunda, Veri Veri olarak adlandırılan telefonunuzdaki veri ve bilgileri (üçüncü taraf ürünleri aracılığıyla) topladığımı bildirmek isterim. Bu Log Verileri, cihazınızın İnternet Protokolü (“IP”) adresi, cihaz adı, işletim sistemi sürümü, Hizmetimi kullanırken uygulamanın yapılandırılması, Hizmet kullanımınızın tarihi ve saati ve diğer istatistikler gibi bilgileri içerebilir. Doğrudan sizlere erişim sağlayabileceğimiz e-posta, isim, telefon numarası gibi bilgiler kesinlikle alınmamaktadır.


Çerezler, genellikle anonim benzersiz tanımlayıcılar olarak kullanılan az miktarda veri içeren dosyalardır. Bunlar, ziyaret ettiğiniz ve cihazınızın dahili belleğinde saklanan web sitelerinden tarayıcınıza gönderilir.

Bu Uygulama, bu "çerezleri" açık bir şekilde kullanmaz. Bununla birlikte, uygulama bilgi toplamak ve hizmetlerini geliştirmek için “çerezleri” kullanan üçüncü taraf kodunu ve kitaplıklarını kullanabilir. Bu çerezleri kabul etme veya reddetme seçeneğiniz vardır ve cihazınıza bir çerez gönderildiğinde bunu bilirsiniz. Çerezlerimizi reddetmeyi seçerseniz, bu Hizmetin bazı bölümlerini kullanamayabilirsiniz.

Servis sağlayıcıları

Aşağıdaki nedenlerden dolayı üçüncü taraf şirketleri ve kişileri istihdam edebilirim:

Hizmetimizi kolaylaştırmak için;
Hizmeti bizim adımıza vermek;
Servisle ilgili hizmetleri gerçekleştirmek için; veya
Uygulamamızın nasıl kullanıldığını analiz etmemize yardımcı olmak.
Bu uygulamanın kullanıcılarını, bu üçüncü tarafların Kişisel Bilgilerinize erişebileceği konusunda bilgilendirmek istiyorum. Bunun nedeni bizim adımıza kendilerine verilen görevleri yapmaktır. Ancak, bilgileri başka bir amaç için açıklamamak ya da kullanmamakla yükümlüdürler.


Kişisel Bilgilerinizi sağladığınıza güveniyorum, böylece ticari olarak kabul edilebilir bir koruma aracı kullanmak için çalışıyoruz. Ancak, internet üzerinden hiçbir aktarım yönteminin veya elektronik depolama yönteminin% 100 güvenli ve güvenilir olmadığını ve mutlak güvenliğini garanti edemeyeceğimi unutmayın.

Diğer Sitelere Bağlantılar

Bu uygulama diğer sitelere bağlantılar içerebilir. Üçüncü tarafa ait bir bağlantıyı tıklarsanız, o siteye yönlendirilirsiniz. Bu harici sitelerin benim tarafımdan işletilmediğini unutmayın. Bu nedenle, bu web sitelerinin Gizlilik Politikasını gözden geçirmenizi şiddetle tavsiye ederim. Herhangi bir üçüncü taraf sitenin veya hizmetinin içeriği, gizlilik politikaları veya uygulamaları üzerinde hiçbir kontrolüm yok ve sorumluluk kabul etmiyorum.

Çocukların Gizliliği

Bu hizmetler 13 yaşın altındaki kişilere hitap etmemektedir. 13 yaşın altındaki çocuklardan bilerek kişisel bilgi toplayamıyorum. 13 yaşın altındaki bir çocuğun bana kişisel bilgi sağladığını fark ettiğimde, bunu derhal sunucularımızdan silmekteyim. Eğer bir ebeveyn veya veli iseniz ve çocuğunuzun bize kişisel bilgi verdiğinin farkındaysanız, lütfen gerekli işlemleri yapabilmek için benimle iletişime geçin.

Bu Gizlilik Politikasındaki Değişiklikler

Gizlilik Politikamızı zaman zaman güncelleyebilirim. Bu nedenle, herhangi bir değişiklik için bu sayfayı periyodik olarak gözden geçirmeniz tavsiye edilir. Bu sayfada yeni Gizlilik Politikasını yayınlayarak herhangi bir değişikliği size bildireceğim. Bu değişiklikler, bu sayfada yayınlandıktan hemen sonra yürürlüğe girer.

21 Eylül 2018 Cuma

Privacy Policy of All Social Media triaFIT

Owner and Data Controller

Types of Data collected

The owner does not provide a list of Personal Data types collected.
Complete details on each type of Personal Data collected are provided in the dedicated sections of this privacy policy or by specific explanation texts displayed prior to the Data collection.
Personal Data may be freely provided by the User, or, in case of Usage Data, collected automatically when using this Application.
Unless specified otherwise, all Data requested by this Application is mandatory and failure to provide this Data may make it impossible for this Application to provide its services. In cases where this Application specifically states that some Data is not mandatory, Users are free not to communicate this Data without consequences to the availability or the functioning of the Service.
Users who are uncertain about which Personal Data is mandatory are welcome to contact the Owner.
Any use of Cookies – or of other tracking tools – by this Application or by the owners of third-party services used by this Application serves the purpose of providing the Service required by the User, in addition to any other purposes described in the present document and in the Cookie Policy, if available.
Users are responsible for any third-party Personal Data obtained, published or shared through this Application and confirm that they have the third party's consent to provide the Data to the Owner.

Mode and place of processing the Data

Methods of processing

The Owner takes appropriate security measures to prevent unauthorized access, disclosure, modification, or unauthorized destruction of the Data.
The Data processing is carried out using computers and/or IT enabled tools, following organizational procedures and modes strictly related to the purposes indicated. In addition to the Owner, in some cases, the Data may be accessible to certain types of persons in charge, involved with the operation of this Application (administration, sales, marketing, legal, system administration) or external parties (such as third-party technical service providers, mail carriers, hosting providers, IT companies, communications agencies) appointed, if necessary, as Data Processors by the Owner. The updated list of these parties may be requested from the Owner at any time.

Legal basis of processing

The Owner may process Personal Data relating to Users if one of the following applies:
  • Users have given their consent for one or more specific purposes. Note: Under some legislations the Owner may be allowed to process Personal Data until the User objects to such processing (“opt-out”), without having to rely on consent or any other of the following legal bases. This, however, does not apply, whenever the processing of Personal Data is subject to European data protection law;
  • provision of Data is necessary for the performance of an agreement with the User and/or for any pre-contractual obligations thereof;
  • processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which the Owner is subject;
  • processing is related to a task that is carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in the Owner;
  • processing is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by the Owner or by a third party.
In any case, the Owner will gladly help to clarify the specific legal basis that applies to the processing, and in particular whether the provision of Personal Data is a statutory or contractual requirement, or a requirement necessary to enter into a contract.


The Data is processed at the Owner's operating offices and in any other places where the parties involved in the processing are located.

Depending on the User's location, data transfers may involve transferring the User's Data to a country other than their own. To find out more about the place of processing of such transferred Data, Users can check the section containing details about the processing of Personal Data.
Users are also entitled to learn about the legal basis of Data transfers to a country outside the European Union or to any international organization governed by public international law or set up by two or more countries, such as the UN, and about the security measures taken by the Owner to safeguard their Data.

If any such transfer takes place, Users can find out more by checking the relevant sections of this document or inquire with the Owner using the information provided in the contact section.

Retention time

Personal Data shall be processed and stored for as long as required by the purpose they have been collected for.
  • Personal Data collected for purposes related to the performance of a contract between the Owner and the User shall be retained until such contract has been fully performed.
  • Personal Data collected for the purposes of the Owner’s legitimate interests shall be retained as long as needed to fulfill such purposes. Users may find specific information regarding the legitimate interests pursued by the Owner within the relevant sections of this document or by contacting the Owner.
The Owner may be allowed to retain Personal Data for a longer period whenever the User has given consent to such processing, as long as such consent is not withdrawn. Furthermore, the Owner may be obliged to retain Personal Data for a longer period whenever required to do so for the performance of a legal obligation or upon order of an authority.

Once the retention period expires, Personal Data shall be deleted. Therefore, the right to access, the right to erasure, the right to rectification and the right to data portability cannot be enforced after expiration of the retention period.

The rights of Users

Users may exercise certain rights regarding their Data processed by the Owner.
In particular, Users have the right to do the following:
  • Withdraw their consent at any time. Users have the right to withdraw consent where they have previously given their consent to the processing of their Personal Data.
  • Object to processing of their Data. Users have the right to object to the processing of their Data if the processing is carried out on a legal basis other than consent. Further details are provided in the dedicated section below.
  • Access their Data. Users have the right to learn if Data is being processed by the Owner, obtain disclosure regarding certain aspects of the processing and obtain a copy of the Data undergoing processing.
  • Verify and seek rectification. Users have the right to verify the accuracy of their Data and ask for it to be updated or corrected.
  • Restrict the processing of their Data. Users have the right, under certain circumstances, to restrict the processing of their Data. In this case, the Owner will not process their Data for any purpose other than storing it.
  • Have their Personal Data deleted or otherwise removed. Users have the right, under certain circumstances, to obtain the erasure of their Data from the Owner.
  • Receive their Data and have it transferred to another controller. Users have the right to receive their Data in a structured, commonly used and machine readable format and, if technically feasible, to have it transmitted to another controller without any hindrance. This provision is applicable provided that the Data is processed by automated means and that the processing is based on the User's consent, on a contract which the User is part of or on pre-contractual obligations thereof.
  • Lodge a complaint. Users have the right to bring a claim before their competent data protection authority.

Details about the right to object to processing

Where Personal Data is processed for a public interest, in the exercise of an official authority vested in the Owner or for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by the Owner, Users may object to such processing by providing a ground related to their particular situation to justify the objection.
Users must know that, however, should their Personal Data be processed for direct marketing purposes, they can object to that processing at any time without providing any justification. To learn, whether the Owner is processing Personal Data for direct marketing purposes, Users may refer to the relevant sections of this document.

How to exercise these rights

Any requests to exercise User rights can be directed to the Owner through the contact details provided in this document. These requests can be exercised free of charge and will be addressed by the Owner as early as possible and always within one month.

Additional information about Data collection and processing

Legal action

The User's Personal Data may be used for legal purposes by the Owner in Court or in the stages leading to possible legal action arising from improper use of this Application or the related Services.
The User declares to be aware that the Owner may be required to reveal personal data upon request of public authorities.

Additional information about User's Personal Data

In addition to the information contained in this privacy policy, this Application may provide the User with additional and contextual information concerning particular Services or the collection and processing of Personal Data upon request.

System logs and maintenance

For operation and maintenance purposes, this Application and any third-party services may collect files that record interaction with this Application (System logs) use other Personal Data (such as the IP Address) for this purpose.

Information not contained in this policy

More details concerning the collection or processing of Personal Data may be requested from the Owner at any time. Please see the contact information at the beginning of this document.

How “Do Not Track” requests are handled

This Application does not support “Do Not Track” requests.
To determine whether any of the third-party services it uses honor the “Do Not Track” requests, please read their privacy policies.

Changes to this privacy policy

The Owner reserves the right to make changes to this privacy policy at any time by giving notice to its Users on this page and possibly within this Application and/or - as far as technically and legally feasible - sending a notice to Users via any contact information available to the Owner. It is strongly recommended to check this page often, referring to the date of the last modification listed at the bottom.

Should the changes affect processing activities performed on the basis of the User’s consent, the Owner shall collect new consent from the User, where required.

Privacy Policy of UK Newspapers, Front Pages

Owner and Data Controller

Types of Data collected

The owner does not provide a list of Personal Data types collected.
Complete details on each type of Personal Data collected are provided in the dedicated sections of this privacy policy or by specific explanation texts displayed prior to the Data collection.
Personal Data may be freely provided by the User, or, in case of Usage Data, collected automatically when using this Application.
Unless specified otherwise, all Data requested by this Application is mandatory and failure to provide this Data may make it impossible for this Application to provide its services. In cases where this Application specifically states that some Data is not mandatory, Users are free not to communicate this Data without consequences to the availability or the functioning of the Service.
Users who are uncertain about which Personal Data is mandatory are welcome to contact the Owner.
Any use of Cookies – or of other tracking tools – by this Application or by the owners of third-party services used by this Application serves the purpose of providing the Service required by the User, in addition to any other purposes described in the present document and in the Cookie Policy, if available.
Users are responsible for any third-party Personal Data obtained, published or shared through this Application and confirm that they have the third party's consent to provide the Data to the Owner.

Mode and place of processing the Data

Methods of processing

The Owner takes appropriate security measures to prevent unauthorized access, disclosure, modification, or unauthorized destruction of the Data.
The Data processing is carried out using computers and/or IT enabled tools, following organizational procedures and modes strictly related to the purposes indicated. In addition to the Owner, in some cases, the Data may be accessible to certain types of persons in charge, involved with the operation of this Application (administration, sales, marketing, legal, system administration) or external parties (such as third-party technical service providers, mail carriers, hosting providers, IT companies, communications agencies) appointed, if necessary, as Data Processors by the Owner. The updated list of these parties may be requested from the Owner at any time.

Legal basis of processing

The Owner may process Personal Data relating to Users if one of the following applies:
  • Users have given their consent for one or more specific purposes. Note: Under some legislations the Owner may be allowed to process Personal Data until the User objects to such processing (“opt-out”), without having to rely on consent or any other of the following legal bases. This, however, does not apply, whenever the processing of Personal Data is subject to European data protection law;
  • provision of Data is necessary for the performance of an agreement with the User and/or for any pre-contractual obligations thereof;
  • processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which the Owner is subject;
  • processing is related to a task that is carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in the Owner;
  • processing is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by the Owner or by a third party.
In any case, the Owner will gladly help to clarify the specific legal basis that applies to the processing, and in particular whether the provision of Personal Data is a statutory or contractual requirement, or a requirement necessary to enter into a contract.


The Data is processed at the Owner's operating offices and in any other places where the parties involved in the processing are located.

Depending on the User's location, data transfers may involve transferring the User's Data to a country other than their own. To find out more about the place of processing of such transferred Data, Users can check the section containing details about the processing of Personal Data.
Users are also entitled to learn about the legal basis of Data transfers to a country outside the European Union or to any international organization governed by public international law or set up by two or more countries, such as the UN, and about the security measures taken by the Owner to safeguard their Data.

If any such transfer takes place, Users can find out more by checking the relevant sections of this document or inquire with the Owner using the information provided in the contact section.

Retention time

Personal Data shall be processed and stored for as long as required by the purpose they have been collected for.
  • Personal Data collected for purposes related to the performance of a contract between the Owner and the User shall be retained until such contract has been fully performed.
  • Personal Data collected for the purposes of the Owner’s legitimate interests shall be retained as long as needed to fulfill such purposes. Users may find specific information regarding the legitimate interests pursued by the Owner within the relevant sections of this document or by contacting the Owner.
The Owner may be allowed to retain Personal Data for a longer period whenever the User has given consent to such processing, as long as such consent is not withdrawn. Furthermore, the Owner may be obliged to retain Personal Data for a longer period whenever required to do so for the performance of a legal obligation or upon order of an authority.

Once the retention period expires, Personal Data shall be deleted. Therefore, the right to access, the right to erasure, the right to rectification and the right to data portability cannot be enforced after expiration of the retention period.

The rights of Users

Users may exercise certain rights regarding their Data processed by the Owner.
In particular, Users have the right to do the following:
  • Withdraw their consent at any time. Users have the right to withdraw consent where they have previously given their consent to the processing of their Personal Data.
  • Object to processing of their Data. Users have the right to object to the processing of their Data if the processing is carried out on a legal basis other than consent. Further details are provided in the dedicated section below.
  • Access their Data. Users have the right to learn if Data is being processed by the Owner, obtain disclosure regarding certain aspects of the processing and obtain a copy of the Data undergoing processing.
  • Verify and seek rectification. Users have the right to verify the accuracy of their Data and ask for it to be updated or corrected.
  • Restrict the processing of their Data. Users have the right, under certain circumstances, to restrict the processing of their Data. In this case, the Owner will not process their Data for any purpose other than storing it.
  • Have their Personal Data deleted or otherwise removed. Users have the right, under certain circumstances, to obtain the erasure of their Data from the Owner.
  • Receive their Data and have it transferred to another controller. Users have the right to receive their Data in a structured, commonly used and machine readable format and, if technically feasible, to have it transmitted to another controller without any hindrance. This provision is applicable provided that the Data is processed by automated means and that the processing is based on the User's consent, on a contract which the User is part of or on pre-contractual obligations thereof.
  • Lodge a complaint. Users have the right to bring a claim before their competent data protection authority.

Details about the right to object to processing

Where Personal Data is processed for a public interest, in the exercise of an official authority vested in the Owner or for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by the Owner, Users may object to such processing by providing a ground related to their particular situation to justify the objection.
Users must know that, however, should their Personal Data be processed for direct marketing purposes, they can object to that processing at any time without providing any justification. To learn, whether the Owner is processing Personal Data for direct marketing purposes, Users may refer to the relevant sections of this document.

How to exercise these rights

Any requests to exercise User rights can be directed to the Owner through the contact details provided in this document. These requests can be exercised free of charge and will be addressed by the Owner as early as possible and always within one month.

Additional information about Data collection and processing

Legal action

The User's Personal Data may be used for legal purposes by the Owner in Court or in the stages leading to possible legal action arising from improper use of this Application or the related Services.
The User declares to be aware that the Owner may be required to reveal personal data upon request of public authorities.

Additional information about User's Personal Data

In addition to the information contained in this privacy policy, this Application may provide the User with additional and contextual information concerning particular Services or the collection and processing of Personal Data upon request.

System logs and maintenance

For operation and maintenance purposes, this Application and any third-party services may collect files that record interaction with this Application (System logs) use other Personal Data (such as the IP Address) for this purpose.

Information not contained in this policy

More details concerning the collection or processing of Personal Data may be requested from the Owner at any time. Please see the contact information at the beginning of this document.

How “Do Not Track” requests are handled

This Application does not support “Do Not Track” requests.
To determine whether any of the third-party services it uses honor the “Do Not Track” requests, please read their privacy policies.

Changes to this privacy policy

The Owner reserves the right to make changes to this privacy policy at any time by giving notice to its Users on this page and possibly within this Application and/or - as far as technically and legally feasible - sending a notice to Users via any contact information available to the Owner. It is strongly recommended to check this page often, referring to the date of the last modification listed at the bottom.

Should the changes affect processing activities performed on the basis of the User’s consent, the Owner shall collect new consent from the User, where required.

Privacy Policy of All US Newspapers

Owner and Data Controller

Types of Data collected

The owner does not provide a list of Personal Data types collected.
Complete details on each type of Personal Data collected are provided in the dedicated sections of this privacy policy or by specific explanation texts displayed prior to the Data collection.
Personal Data may be freely provided by the User, or, in case of Usage Data, collected automatically when using this Application.
Unless specified otherwise, all Data requested by this Application is mandatory and failure to provide this Data may make it impossible for this Application to provide its services. In cases where this Application specifically states that some Data is not mandatory, Users are free not to communicate this Data without consequences to the availability or the functioning of the Service.
Users who are uncertain about which Personal Data is mandatory are welcome to contact the Owner.
Any use of Cookies – or of other tracking tools – by this Application or by the owners of third-party services used by this Application serves the purpose of providing the Service required by the User, in addition to any other purposes described in the present document and in the Cookie Policy, if available.
Users are responsible for any third-party Personal Data obtained, published or shared through this Application and confirm that they have the third party's consent to provide the Data to the Owner.

Mode and place of processing the Data

Methods of processing

The Owner takes appropriate security measures to prevent unauthorized access, disclosure, modification, or unauthorized destruction of the Data.
The Data processing is carried out using computers and/or IT enabled tools, following organizational procedures and modes strictly related to the purposes indicated. In addition to the Owner, in some cases, the Data may be accessible to certain types of persons in charge, involved with the operation of this Application (administration, sales, marketing, legal, system administration) or external parties (such as third-party technical service providers, mail carriers, hosting providers, IT companies, communications agencies) appointed, if necessary, as Data Processors by the Owner. The updated list of these parties may be requested from the Owner at any time.

Legal basis of processing

The Owner may process Personal Data relating to Users if one of the following applies:
  • Users have given their consent for one or more specific purposes. Note: Under some legislations the Owner may be allowed to process Personal Data until the User objects to such processing (“opt-out”), without having to rely on consent or any other of the following legal bases. This, however, does not apply, whenever the processing of Personal Data is subject to European data protection law;
  • provision of Data is necessary for the performance of an agreement with the User and/or for any pre-contractual obligations thereof;
  • processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which the Owner is subject;
  • processing is related to a task that is carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in the Owner;
  • processing is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by the Owner or by a third party.
In any case, the Owner will gladly help to clarify the specific legal basis that applies to the processing, and in particular whether the provision of Personal Data is a statutory or contractual requirement, or a requirement necessary to enter into a contract.


The Data is processed at the Owner's operating offices and in any other places where the parties involved in the processing are located.

Depending on the User's location, data transfers may involve transferring the User's Data to a country other than their own. To find out more about the place of processing of such transferred Data, Users can check the section containing details about the processing of Personal Data.
Users are also entitled to learn about the legal basis of Data transfers to a country outside the European Union or to any international organization governed by public international law or set up by two or more countries, such as the UN, and about the security measures taken by the Owner to safeguard their Data.

If any such transfer takes place, Users can find out more by checking the relevant sections of this document or inquire with the Owner using the information provided in the contact section.

Retention time

Personal Data shall be processed and stored for as long as required by the purpose they have been collected for.
  • Personal Data collected for purposes related to the performance of a contract between the Owner and the User shall be retained until such contract has been fully performed.
  • Personal Data collected for the purposes of the Owner’s legitimate interests shall be retained as long as needed to fulfill such purposes. Users may find specific information regarding the legitimate interests pursued by the Owner within the relevant sections of this document or by contacting the Owner.
The Owner may be allowed to retain Personal Data for a longer period whenever the User has given consent to such processing, as long as such consent is not withdrawn. Furthermore, the Owner may be obliged to retain Personal Data for a longer period whenever required to do so for the performance of a legal obligation or upon order of an authority.

Once the retention period expires, Personal Data shall be deleted. Therefore, the right to access, the right to erasure, the right to rectification and the right to data portability cannot be enforced after expiration of the retention period.

The rights of Users

Users may exercise certain rights regarding their Data processed by the Owner.
In particular, Users have the right to do the following:
  • Withdraw their consent at any time. Users have the right to withdraw consent where they have previously given their consent to the processing of their Personal Data.
  • Object to processing of their Data. Users have the right to object to the processing of their Data if the processing is carried out on a legal basis other than consent. Further details are provided in the dedicated section below.
  • Access their Data. Users have the right to learn if Data is being processed by the Owner, obtain disclosure regarding certain aspects of the processing and obtain a copy of the Data undergoing processing.
  • Verify and seek rectification. Users have the right to verify the accuracy of their Data and ask for it to be updated or corrected.
  • Restrict the processing of their Data. Users have the right, under certain circumstances, to restrict the processing of their Data. In this case, the Owner will not process their Data for any purpose other than storing it.
  • Have their Personal Data deleted or otherwise removed. Users have the right, under certain circumstances, to obtain the erasure of their Data from the Owner.
  • Receive their Data and have it transferred to another controller. Users have the right to receive their Data in a structured, commonly used and machine readable format and, if technically feasible, to have it transmitted to another controller without any hindrance. This provision is applicable provided that the Data is processed by automated means and that the processing is based on the User's consent, on a contract which the User is part of or on pre-contractual obligations thereof.
  • Lodge a complaint. Users have the right to bring a claim before their competent data protection authority.

Details about the right to object to processing

Where Personal Data is processed for a public interest, in the exercise of an official authority vested in the Owner or for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by the Owner, Users may object to such processing by providing a ground related to their particular situation to justify the objection.
Users must know that, however, should their Personal Data be processed for direct marketing purposes, they can object to that processing at any time without providing any justification. To learn, whether the Owner is processing Personal Data for direct marketing purposes, Users may refer to the relevant sections of this document.

How to exercise these rights

Any requests to exercise User rights can be directed to the Owner through the contact details provided in this document. These requests can be exercised free of charge and will be addressed by the Owner as early as possible and always within one month.

Additional information about Data collection and processing

Legal action

The User's Personal Data may be used for legal purposes by the Owner in Court or in the stages leading to possible legal action arising from improper use of this Application or the related Services.
The User declares to be aware that the Owner may be required to reveal personal data upon request of public authorities.

Additional information about User's Personal Data

In addition to the information contained in this privacy policy, this Application may provide the User with additional and contextual information concerning particular Services or the collection and processing of Personal Data upon request.

System logs and maintenance

For operation and maintenance purposes, this Application and any third-party services may collect files that record interaction with this Application (System logs) use other Personal Data (such as the IP Address) for this purpose.

Information not contained in this policy

More details concerning the collection or processing of Personal Data may be requested from the Owner at any time. Please see the contact information at the beginning of this document.

How “Do Not Track” requests are handled

This Application does not support “Do Not Track” requests.
To determine whether any of the third-party services it uses honor the “Do Not Track” requests, please read their privacy policies.

Changes to this privacy policy

The Owner reserves the right to make changes to this privacy policy at any time by giving notice to its Users on this page and possibly within this Application and/or - as far as technically and legally feasible - sending a notice to Users via any contact information available to the Owner. It is strongly recommended to check this page often, referring to the date of the last modification listed at the bottom.

Should the changes affect processing activities performed on the basis of the User’s consent, the Owner shall collect new consent from the User, where required.

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